Exploring Organisational and Educational Transactional Analysis  *NEW*

About the Course

This workshop is aimed at leaders, educators, coaches, teachers and consultants who are curious about how to use TA in their work.  

We will start to explore and experience how TA can be applied in organisations and also to support learning and education. 

  • Who is it for?

    This workshop is aimed at leaders, educators, coaches, teachers and consultants who are curious about how to use TA in their work. 

  • Qualification and Accreditation

    By attending this workshop you have the opportunity to include this training in your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) profile.

  • Course Content

    Taking some of the concepts you covered in your TA101 or Foundation year, we will look at how they may be used in different settings and be curious about what are the differences and similarities between the different TA fields of application.

    At the end of the day participants will have a clearer understanding of Organisational and Educational TA and have looked at, and experienced using, a few core TA models to support learning or within organisations.

  • Eligibility and Entry

    Open to all.



Course Cost



Course Date

Date and time

Wednesday 19th June 2024

Live Online


Debbie Robinson TSTA (O)

Paul Robinson TSTA (E)

Our Core Philosophy

At The Berne Institute we recognise that people come into TA training with widely differing experiences of clinical practice, theoretical knowledge and formal academic learning, and that they differ widely also in their current personal resources and skills. Our courses therefore honour the uniqueness of each individual’s learning and experience and their different learning styles, pace and areas of competence.

The philosophy and practice of Homonomy that respects our mutuality and interconnectedness has been recently integrated into the Berne Institute philosophy. The aim is to expand the focus in our theory and practice from individual change to include a focus on the wider implications of our work on the whole community and our planet. 

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