Certificate in Systemic Constellations

About the Course

 “In systemic therapy, we’re interested in discovering people’s entanglements in the fates of previous members of their families. This is something that comes to light in a family constellation. When it’s out in the open, they can find a resolution of the entanglement more easily.

If you listen to ghost stories, the ghosts are beings who have been denied a place, and they come knocking until they get their place. When they are taken in and given a place, they are peaceful. I can see in the constellations that when those who have been feared and shut out regain their rightful place, they bring healing and good instead of disruption.” (Hellinger, 1999)

Bert Hellinger introduced the world to an amazing and effective way of working with intergenerational trauma, which he called Family Constellations. His theory has been developed, and the practice of constellations has also evolved and expanded. Many facilitators now apply the approach to individual and couple work, and this work is also very varied. 

  • Who is it for?

    This short course is aimed at experienced TA therapists who wish to understand the theories behind systemic work, how this fits with Transactional Analysis, and to empower participants to integrate the approach into their individual work as therapists.

  • Qualification and Accreditation

    On successful completion of the course, you will receive The Berne Institute Certificate in Systemic Constellations. This course can be counted as 36 hours of CPD or as 36 hours Advanced TA Psychotherapy Training.

  • Course Content

     In a group setting, a family constellation involves group members being chosen to represent those family members who seem relevant to the client’s issue. As representatives, the group members allow themselves to be a conduit for the people they represent, allowing the unconscious patterns within the system to emerge. The process is time limited, difficulties with boundaries are quickly apparent, and available for change. Any intervention by the therapist is in service of restoring the Order of Love where possible, and enabling the participant to let go of their entanglement with previous generations. The intention is to restore peace, love and harmony within the family, with each family member accepting responsibility for his or her own experiences or traumas.

    Franz Ruppert’s approach emphasizes the relationships that are integrated as consequence of intergenerational trauma. His constellations use representatives, with the focus of the constellation being the intrapsychic conflicts between ego states that result from continuing to be entangled with the past.  His constellations make the internal psychological states visible. Other Constellators have introduced different aspects of the work and added their own twist to promote healing. We will touch on a number of different approaches during the course.

    Constellations theory and practice continues to evolve but the principles remain as identified by Bert Hellinger. I will aim to introduce as wide a range of practice and theory as possible and integrate constellations into TA theory throughout. 

    Each module will include:

    • Teaching of theory 

    • Opportunities for personal work

    • Learning together through discussion and exercises

    • Critique of theories presented

    • Integration of those theories with each other

    • Experience of different types of constellation as client or representative

    • Some practice of the skills of facilitator

    Module 1

    The background to systemic work in groups.

    • Bert Hellinger’s theories and practice.

    • The family conscience and how to respect it.

    • Theories and practice in Transactional Analysis that support systemic work.

    Module 2 

    Developments in theory and practice.

    • The visual effects of trauma in Constellations

    • Ruppert’s Constellation of the intention and working with ‘splits in the soul’

    • Approaches by Stephan Hausner and others.

    • Knowledge of historical traumas

    Module 3 

    Constellations in individual settings.

    • Identifying systemic issues

    • Using different tools

    • Individual contracts and systemic issues.

    • Different methods and layers of resolution.

  • Eligibility and Entry

    The Workshop is aimed at experienced TA therapists.

    To book a place, please email office@theberne.com or click the Apply Now button below. The Workshop will be held at Berne House from 10am to 5pm each day with breaks.



Course Cost

Fees 2024/25


Berne Trainees


Course Dates

Dates 2024/25

6 days

24 & 25 April 2025

22 & 23 May

26 & 27 June

at Berne House


Enid Welford TSTA(P)

Our Core Philosophy

At The Berne Institute we recognise that people come into TA training with widely differing experiences of clinical practice, theoretical knowledge and formal academic learning, and that they differ widely also in their current personal resources and skills. Our courses therefore honour the uniqueness of each individual’s learning and experience and their different learning styles, pace and areas of competence.

The philosophy and practice of Homonomy that respects our mutuality and interconnectedness has been recently integrated into the Berne Institute philosophy. The aim is to expand the focus in our theory and practice from individual change to include a focus on the wider implications of our work on the whole community and our planet. 

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