Mental Health Familiarisation

About the Course

This 2 day workshop will look at how mental health services are currently structured and the influences on the development of services.

  • Who is it for?

    Advanced Psychotherapy trainees at The Berne Institute and those in training elsewhere.

  • Qualification and Accreditation

    The structure and content of this workshop will be based on the Learning Outcomes for Mental Health Familiarisation as defined by UKCP. All participants will be given a checklist to account the learning outcomes covered and these will be signed off by the trainer.

  • Course Content

    We will look at the client’s journey through the NHS and sometimes the Independent Sector, from referral to treatment and discharge. Through the use of case studies and small group working we will explore assessment, diagnosis and treatment and identify the similarities and differences between mental health services and psychotherapy in this process as well as comparable skills and understanding of the clients experience and presentation.

    As we look at diagnosis and treatment we will look at the range of factors that can influence a client’s development of mental illness (Mental Health Illness), their experience of their illness and recovery. This will allow us to consider the main classifications of mental illness utilising both the ICD10 and DSM5 classifications

    We will look at safeguarding, legal and ethical considerations. This will include the Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act, Deprivation of Liberty and Community Treatment Orders and consider how these might impact on relationships between staff and clients within mental health services.

    During the course of the 2 days, there will if possible be a talk by a service user about their experience of services and their treatment. We will also try to arrange a talk by a Peer Support Worker, this role is fulfilled by those with lived experience of mental illness who now work within the field to promote the recovery of others through sharing knowledge and experience and reducing the sense of isolation many people feel during the course of their illness.

  • Eligibility and Entry

    To book a place, please email or click the Apply Now button below. Full details of how to access the Zoom link for both workshops will be emailed to you once your booking is confirmed. You will need a computer, stable internet access, and somewhere private to be while you are accessing the highly interactive course. 

    Workshop times are 10.00am to 5.00pm, usually with a break around 1pm for lunch and shorter breaks throughout the day.



Course Cost

Fees 2024/25

£250 Berne Trainees

£275 non-Berne Trainees

Course Dates

Dates 2024/25

This is a two-day online workshop

29 April & 6 May 2025

The Zoom link will be sent to you once your place has been confirmed.


Dr Mike Harris


Consultant Psychiatrist

Our Core Philosophy

At The Berne Institute we recognise that people come into TA training with widely differing experiences of clinical practice, theoretical knowledge and formal academic learning, and that they differ widely also in their current personal resources and skills. Our courses therefore honour the uniqueness of each individual’s learning and experience and their different learning styles, pace and areas of competence.

The philosophy and practice of Homonomy that respects our mutuality and interconnectedness has been recently integrated into the Berne Institute philosophy. The aim is to expand the focus in our theory and practice from individual change to include a focus on the wider implications of our work on the whole community and our planet. 

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