Working with constellations offers a remarkable, powerful approach for understanding and resolving deep rooted dysfunctional patterns, stuckness and systemic confusion. Primarily used in the field of psychotherapy, the approach can be applied to a range of contexts, including family systems, education and organisational practice.
The workshop will especially be useful for anyone interested in the concept of constellation work, and those who want to resolve a personal issue. Participants are expected to already have some experience and training in personal development, process work through professional supervision or personal counselling and psychotherapy.
On successful completion of the course, you will receive The Berne Institute certificate of attendance. This course can be counted as 12 hours of CPD or as 12 hours Advanced TA Psychotherapy Training.
The approach:
Bert Hellinger, the founder of this approach, proposed that the energy and love in a healthy family flows naturally from one generation to the next. Unfinished business from previous generations will block or distort the energy flow and lead to ill- ness, repeat tragedy, and suffering for subsequent family members. Often the nature and source of the unease is unknown.
Within the workshop the family soul is heard and seen. Truth emerges that makes healing possible, and the flow of energy and love in the family, or system, may be restored.
What happens:
An individual participant identifies a difficulty and the outcome they wish for. They choose representatives from the workshop participants to represent family members – or people within the educational or organisational system - who seem relevant to the issue. They then place the representatives one by one in relation to each other.
The representatives begin to experience themselves as constellation members. From this point the family energy and its difficulties becomes apparent. Where possible the facilitator works with the representatives to restore the flow so that a healthy and supportive system emerges. The individual participant observes as the drama unfolds. They may at the end take the place of their representatives so that they can experience the new energy within the family. The advantage of the constellation is that the representatives have no investment in the known story, so that they are free to experience and express aspects that are not previously known.
The Workshop is open to all.
To book a place, please email or click the Apply Now button below. The Workshop will be held at Berne House from 10am to 5pm each day with breaks.
Course Cost
Fees 2024/25
Berne Trainees
Course Dates
Dates 2024/25
27 & 28 March 2025
at Berne House
Enid Welford TSTA(P)
At The Berne Institute we recognise that people come into TA training with widely differing experiences of clinical practice, theoretical knowledge and formal academic learning, and that they differ widely also in their current personal resources and skills. Our courses therefore honour the uniqueness of each individual’s learning and experience and their different learning styles, pace and areas of competence.
The philosophy and practice of Homonomy that respects our mutuality and interconnectedness has been recently integrated into the Berne Institute philosophy. The aim is to expand the focus in our theory and practice from individual change to include a focus on the wider implications of our work on the whole community and our planet.
The Berne Institute
Berne House
29 Derby Road
DE74 2EN
01509 673649