A workshop for leaders, coaches, managers and consultants who work in, or with organisations, who are curious about how to use TA in the workplace.
See above. Anyone interested in using Transactional Analysis in the workplace.
At the end of the two days participants will have a clearer understanding of Organisational TA and have looked at, and experienced, how to use a few core TA models within organisations.
In these two days we will explore and experience how TA can be applied in organisations. Taking some of the concepts covered in the TA101, we. an look at how they may be used in organisations and what it could be loke for you to use them in practice.
Contracting for success:
Inviting performance and psychological health: What’s our purpose? Who is responsible for what? How will we know when we get
We will look at TA concepts of contracting, using them to clarify our individual learning goals, and along the way, find out what really influences the outcome.
We look at multi-party contracting and how to invite psychologically healthy negotiations.
People under pressure - starting to understand ourselves with others
We all have preferred ways of working and when we feel under pressure we slip in to these ways of working because they have helped us to deliver in the past. So, how can we work smarter and help others to do the same?
Post TA101.
Course Cost
Fees 2023/24
TBA non-Berne Members
TBA Berne Members
Course Dates
Dates 2023/24
Debbie Robinson TSTA(O
At The Berne Institute we recognise that people come into TA training with widely differing experiences of clinical practice, theoretical knowledge and formal academic learning, and that they differ widely also in their current personal resources and skills. Our courses therefore honour the uniqueness of each individual’s learning and experience and their different learning styles, pace and areas of competence.
The philosophy and practice of Homonomy that respects our mutuality and interconnectedness has been recently integrated into the Berne Institute philosophy. The aim is to expand the focus in our theory and practice from individual change to include a focus on the wider implications of our work on the whole community and our planet.
The Berne Institute
Berne House
29 Derby Road
DE74 2EN
01509 673649