The Berne Institute’s Diploma course provides a thorough in-depth training for those wishing to take up a career in any field of Transactional Analysis. The Diploma course is also suitable for those already working in their chosen field who wish to expand their skills and knowledge.
The diploma may be taken in TA Counselling, Educational or Organisational specialisms.
The in-house Diploma course typically requires a minimum of two years’ post-Foundation study, with twenty days of training in each year (360 hours of TA training in total). It provides a balance of theory, skills training, personal development and practical experience and is designed to integrate all these elements to provide a firm basis for development as a TA professional.
Taking TA as its core model, the Diploma course builds understanding of the interpersonal interactions, intrapsychic processes, personality structure, feeling, thinking and behaviour. It provides a means to understand people and organisations in depth in the family system or other social matrix where they spend their lives. The first year of the course (Foundation Year) concentrates on building a thorough knowledge of TA. In subsequent years this basis is broadened, extended and integrated with further enhancement of skills as you move towards full professional competence. As the course proceeds, TA is integrated with other significant humanistic models.
The Diploma training includes some personal development work. However, you are expected to undertake additional personal development during the course and opportunities will be provided for this.
IThe examination for The Berne Institute’s Diploma in Transactional Analysis is normally taken at the end of three years’ post-Foundation study. The Diploma will be awarded on assessment of written work (as specified by the field chosen) and an oral examination of your taped work with clients. To be eligible for the final examination, you will need to have completed at least 360 hours of advanced TA training and have provided at least 200 hours of TA counselling to clients.
Postgraduate Diploma in Transactional Analysis Counselling
Our Diploma course has been validated by Middlesex University for the award of their Postgraduate Diploma in Transactional Analysis Counselling as an exit award from the Middlesex University MSc programme. The training and final examinations for this Diploma are identical to those for The Berne Institute’s in-house diploma. However, students wishing to take the Postgraduate Diploma will be registered with Middlesex University on the MSc programme as well as with The Berne Institute. The PGDip is not an award in its own right but is an exit award from the MSc programme. Students have to submit a number of written assignments for formal marking during the course. The duration of the PGDip is 2 years (min) of part time study, with enrolment normally taking place in the third year of post Foundation training.
External accreditation (BACP)
Trainees wishing to gain accreditation by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) must undertake the external accreditation procedure set forth by the BACP itself. Contact hours accrued on The Berne Institute’s Diploma course (including the Foundation Year) can normally be counted toward the number of hours’ training required by BACP (this will be checked by BACP in every individual case). Berne Institute trainers will be glad to assist trainees in preparing materials for the BACP accreditation process.
The UKATA Diploma
Members of UKATA who are awarded the Berne Institute Diploma can also apply for the UKATA Diploma (also available for all TA fields). More details can be found here. Note that you need to log in to the UKATA site to see this information.f you do decide to progress to further training in TA, you will need to pass the assessment for the Foundation Certificate in TA, which you take at the end of Foundation Year. The assessment includes three parts:
Completion of the EATA/ITAA standard 10-question “TA 101 Written Exam” (about one A4 page per question).
A short case study (about 2000 words) on how you have applied the ideas of the course in a personal or a work situation.
A Personal Journal of Learning (about one A4 page for each of the 10 training weekends), which you are encouraged to compile in whatever creative way you wish.
Upon successful completion of the Foundation course:
you will receive the Berne Foundation Certificate and are eligible for the UKATA Transaction Analysis Award.
you will also be eligible for the “TA 101” certificate of the European Association for Transactional Analysis.This course – the “official TA 101” – is recognised by the International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA) and the European Association for Transactional Analysis (EATA) as their standard approved introduction to TA. Completion of the course affords you the “TA 101” certificate, a necessary requirement if you should later wish to enter accredited training as a TA practitioner.
To be eligible for entry to the Diploma course, you must normally:
have completed the official TA101 or passed the “TA 101” open-book examination; and
have completed at least 120 hours of recognised advanced TA training.
(Note: both these conditions are fulfilled by successful completion of The Berne Institute’s Foundation Yearcourse.
These conditions are necessary but do not confer an automatic right to enter the programme.
No previous academic qualification is required for entry to the Diploma course*. However, we would advise you that the training is demanding in terms of both intellectual activity and skills development. Success in the course requires a high degree of motivation and an openness to self-exploration and personal change. You therefore need to have the intellectual and personal resources to deal successfully with such demands. This will be assessed at the intake interview in each individual case. (*Note: if you wish to take the validated Postgraduate Diploma, you must have a first degree or degree-equivalent qualification on entry to the course).No previous academic qualification is required for entry to the Foundation course*. If you would like to apply for a place on the course, your first step is to complete and return the Application Form . We will then contact you to fix a mutually convenient date and time for an admission interview, sometimes by telephone.
(*Please note: if you are intending to follow the Foundation Year by continuing in training for the Diploma or PGCD, CTA or MSc awards, please note the eligibility requirements for these options – please see the Overview page).
Course Cost
£2250 for 2021/22
Course Dates
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The Berne Institute
Berne House
29 Derby Road
DE74 2EN
01509 673649